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This is what i miss…
Saturday morning, well all day really,
when we had nothing to do.
Those lazy days when we would make french toast at 10 and watch cooking shows on PBS.
When we would fight over what movie to watch and you would  inevitably say,
“We are NOT watching Liar Liar or Get Shorty!”
Shopping all day for shoes,
or whatever we felt like.
Convincing her that she was just as beautiful as I thought she was!


Random ice cream runs.
Random Pizza ordering cuz no one wanted to cook.
Random runs to Good Times….
Setting up the house at Christmas,
the tree, the lights,
ALL the ordiments going back years.
Laughing and arguing over Elvis Christmas music,
and then what movie to watch, White Christmas,
or Its a Wonderful Life.
Never really setteling the argument
 but I think The Grinch ended being on,
with much objection might I add 🙂
 Staying up way to late watching silly re-runs like MASH, Fraiser, Everybodys loves Ray, I could go on..
Coming home and knowing that she was there, she would ask how I was and really want to know.
Watching her play silly games on the computer and hit the buttons so much that we thought for sure the keyboard would break.
Sunflower seeds
Wondering where I had left all my shoes and realizing they were all in the hall closet, she had put them there.
Driving to our vacation destination and her reading to the whole car, but the books were too funny, and she would just laugh and laugh, so hard in fact that we could not understand her.
When she is so tired she laughs really hard at really random things like “what is this a joke?”
Mom I love you a lot, and I want you to know that you mean a whole lot to me!
I hope this is honoring to you!!!

4 responses to “My Mother”

  1. Thank you so much you made my day..week..month..year. You made me laught and you made me cry (tears of joy). Brought back lots of wonderful memories. Yes this honoring to me and I am honored to have you as my daughter. I love you very much and I am so proud of you!

  2. This is so sweet and so beautiful, Katie!! You’re very creative and thoughtful!! I love it.